Vince Towns, Toronto

A nature trail along Eglinton Ave. required pedestrians to exit the trail and cross the North West Deane Park by using the busy Eglinton bridge. It was decided that a separate pedestrian bridge be constructed to allow pedestrians a safer crossing alternative and allow them to continue the trail without […]
A new commercial retail space development had a requirement for retaining walls along the perimeter of the site. These walls ranged in height from 0.6m to 2.44m (2’-8’) and required that a chainlink fence be integrated overtop. Verti-Block was selected for use on this site as it offered 15% cost […]
Located within the Impressions subdivision, 2 new build homes had a significant elevation change between them and required a privacy fence to be installed on the property line. In typical retaining wall construction where fences exist above the wall, the fence would need to be installed behind the wall requiring […]
As part of Oxford Developments Fairgrounds project the site required a Storm Water Management Pond. Project consultants had been at a standstill as the retaining wall product originally spec’d was not able to accommodate the required guide rail within the required clearances. This however was not an issue for Verti-Block […]
A culvert being constructed far back into the site for a new development originally called for poured in place wing walls. Verti-Block was selected as the favoured alternative as it was the more economical solution and was faster and easier install precast units. Not only did the Verti-Block design come […]
Club owners had decided it was time to construct a new modern club house and restaurant. The building design called for a doorway below grade which required retaining walls on either side. Verti-Block was chosen for it’s realistic natural finish as well as the overall strength and durability the system […]
Requiring over 1,600 Verti-Block components this is Ontario’s largest Verti-Block project to date. Located in Phase 1 of the Impressions development, the project consisted of 2 walls, each with roadways overtop (one East, One West) going over culverts to access other phases of the development. The design incorporated vehicular guide […]
Again working with TACC Developments and Cole Engineering, the Verti-Block system was selected for use within the developments feature area of Berczy square, located at the corner of Kennedy and 16th. This design required that Verti-Block complete an existing poured in place retaining wall but also add lookouts to the […]
Working with TACC Developments and Cole Engineering, Verti-Crete was asked to engineer a 100m (330’) retaining wall solution which addressed the severe elevation changes between the rear yards of a stretch of new homes. 2.44m (8’) at its maximum height, the Verti-Block wall also integrated various fence material up to […]
A client had purchased an undeveloped piece of land with an amazing view. His dream was to construct a custom home at the very top. Due to the drastic elevation change from street level to where the house would be located a retaining wall would be needed to support the […]
A popular children’s attraction, this facility’s splash pad feature was ready for a makeover. Verti-Block components were used to create an elevated platform for the new waterslide while Verti-Fence columns were used in conjunction with decorative metal fencing. In another area, a special waterfall feature utilized a Verti-Fence panel. All […]
A 30 year old cinderblock retaining wall, 14’ high and 200’ long, shared by 5 neighbouring properties had finally failed and was in need of immediate replacement. Verti-Crete designed and engineered a Verti-Block replacement that would outlast the original cinderblock wall that had gone through years of patch work. No […]
A testament to the ease and simplicity of installing Verti-Block, this project was installed by the property owners themselves. Once Verti-Crete provided the layout, engineering drawings and some installation tips their workers were ready to go. Building up a section of the property for a new parking area, workers were […]
A successful and growing business, this commercial operation had plans to expand its parking lot and update its perimeter security. In order to expand the parking lot, a Verti-Block retaining wall was installed to level the area. Other systems have difficulty installing fences directly overtop retaining walls which cause the […]
After cracks started developing in this home owners cinderblock retaining wall it was finally time for a replacement. Upon inspection it was found that the elevation of the backyard this retaining wall supported dipped down. This lower area was essentially unusable space so Verti-Cretes designer took this opportunity to take […]
A home owner who’s property backed onto one of Toronto’s beautiful ravines was facing problems with his existing retaining wall and needed a fix. The TRCA, on which the property backed onto, gave approval to Verti-Crete’s engineering and Verti-Block design proposal. Measuring 3.66m (12’) at its highest point, the Verti-Block […]